an exterior made distinctive
Emily Oster
I selected this contemporary renovation by Hufft Projects because it hits on all of Eck's key points of what makes a distinctive "public face".
1. I am not sure if the homeowners actual call their home this but the architect calls this house "Modern with Ranch". The name reveals one of the main design intentions in that a concerted effort was made not to completely raze the original home but rather to "conserve what elements could be worked with" and to add on where needed.
original house via Hufft Projects
2-4. The scale and massing of this house is particularly well done in that it successful combines a single story home with a two story addition. For me, the proportion is spot on with the second story appearing almost exactly a third taller than the rest of the house. Color is used to reinforce the massing strategy in that the new addition is clad in a red stained cedar while the first story brick is painted a dark gray.
design by Hufft Projects image via Contemporist
5. Details are of particular importance with this project in that they are used to bring the new and old together.
6. On the front side of the house, the windows of both the original house and the addition are kept the same size creating one cohesive composition. While on the back side, visual interest is created by introducing a more varied composition of void to solid.
design by Hufft Projects
7. As previously mentioned, the horizontal cedar cladding and the painted gray brick work in unison to highlight the different volumes while also helping to keep the addition from appearing too tall. If the cladding had been placed vertically the two materials and colors would not work nearly as well together.
8. See above.
9. The approach to the roof design is simple and appears effortless. The original roof which has a relatively large surface area and is by original design a dominate element in the exterior facade is left unchallenged by the addition which has no visible roof.
10. The entry of this home is well thought out with slats of cedar that begin vertical wrapping horizontally to create a canopy over the main entry and continuing across and up to frame the second story of the addition.
design by Hufft Projects image via Contemporist
11. In this case the back chimney with a fireplace becomes the center of outdoor entertainment - clearly not a neglected element.
12. This house does not have any defined porches or decks, however, the landscaping with concrete platforms and pavers create outdoor spaces that feel integrated with the indoor spaces of the home.