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realty round up: buckhead, georgia

Emily Oster


Key Information:

What: Buckhead is a highly sought after area to live in Atlanta. It is known for its busy commercial center, historic estates and great shopping. It offers both more urban living options (condominium high rises) and more suburban neighborhoods with single family homes. 

When: In 1838, Henry Irby purchased 202 acres that make up a large chunk of present day Buckhead. The name comes from a story that Irby killed a large buck on the property and mounted it in a prominent location. 

Where: Buckhead is the uptown district of Atlanta encompassing roughly the northern fifth of the city. 

Why: Atlanta has been all over the news this week but also some family friends are moving overseas after living in Buckhead for almost 10 years and I am sad that we never got the chance to go visit them. 

How many: 78,676 (2010)

Local attractions: 
- SEVEN LAMPS - this place looks like it has really cool decor and delicious, casual fare
- Lovie's BBQ - a brand new BBQ place opened by Atlanta natives
*Check out the Blissful Glutton for more reviews and recommendations 

House #1: $210,000

information and images via Zillow

information and images via Zillow

This one bedroom condominium is located on the 13th floor in a desirable building. The amenities include a rooftop pool, gym, shared patio space and a private deck. I particularly like the big windows and the view.

House #2: $479,900

information and images via Zillow

information and images via Zillow

This is my favorite house of the bunch. The home was originally a hunting lodge that was converted to a single family home. I love the outdoor living space, wooded lot and all the windows.

House #3: $799,900

information and images via Zillow

information and images via Zillow

This home has really nice curb appeal. I like all the porches on the front and back and how the indoor living spaces blend into the outdoor. 

House #4: $999,900

information and images via Zillow

information and images via Zillow

Originally built in 1938 this home was completely renovated in 2000. It features an open floor plan, chef's kitchen, master suit and new systems and windows. Oh and a pool which would be quite nice in HOT-lanta. 

Have a good weekend everyone!

firm feature: el dorado

Emily Oster

Founded in 1996, El Dorado Inc. is an award winning architectural firm in Kansas City. Getting their start as a small group of architects who enjoyed welding, their firm has evolved from an office known for their fabrication capabilities to a complete design build practice. From their website you get the sense that El Dorado is made up of a fun and innovative group of designers who don't take themselves too seriously and yet are constantly striving to do and be better. Below are a few of my favorite projects. However, I highly recommend checking out their website to see their large body of work (and to read their rather humorous history).  

Willoughby Design Barn by El Dorado
Aron/Levin Pool by El Dorado

Aron/Levin Pool by El Dorado

Barker Pod by El Dorado

Barker Pod by El Dorado

artist feature: rob corley

Emily Oster

Over the holiday, I was commissioned to create a new website for my friend Rob Corley. Rob is an incredibly talented artist and musician - oh and doctor who most recently saved me from having a ruptured appendix. For the past fifteen years, he has been creating these amazing "paintings" from Mardi Gras beads. The works are vibrant with an iconic, graphic quality that have great texture, shine and depth that can only really be appreciated in person. All the work is created on a commission basis and generally is of a larger scale (24" x 36" ish). Personally, I have been contemplating for years what I want Rob to make me - maybe the state of Michigan or a portrait of the one and only Booker? - they are all just so good I can't decide! Below are just a few of my favorites but make sure to head over to his website to see more. Also Rob has been updating his portfolio almost daily with new and old works so make sure to keep checking back. 

Lion - 24" x 24" - Rob Corley

Lion - 24" x 24" - Rob Corley

Diet Coke - 25" x 38" - Rob Corley

Diet Coke - 25" x 38" - Rob Corley

Mahi Mahi - 24" x 48" - Rob Corley

Mahi Mahi - 24" x 48" - Rob Corley

White Dog - 24" x 36" - Rob Corley

White Dog - 24" x 36" - Rob Corley

Veuve - 24" x 36" - Rob Corley

Veuve - 24" x 36" - Rob Corley