Emily Oster
via yeah okay
Yesterday, the lilacs in our neighborhood started blooming. Lilacs are my absolute favorite flower so this was an exciting event. My parents have several bushes along the side of our house and growing up my Mom would fill the house with huge vases of them. In Michigan, the lilacs bloom at the end of May so I always associate them with the start of summer but here in Missouri they are a sign of spring blooming right after the Japanese magnolia's have dropped. I love them for their smell (if you have never smelled lilacs you are really missing out because its about one of the most lovely scents on earth), their organic beauty and their rarity. Generally speaking, lilacs are in bloom for only 2 weeks and are very difficult to find for sale as cut stems.
A few facts about lilacs according to the Farmer's Almanac ...
- They come in seven color variations (mostly shades of purple)
- They grow between 5 to 15 feet tall depending on variation
- They require full sun
- They attract butterflies
Unfortunately, we don't have any lilacs in our yard so I am appreciating from afar sniffing at any bushes that are close to the sidewalks. And enjoying these photos of course. Have a great weekend everyone!
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