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Filtering by Tag: one year

happy one year THE PLACE HOME

Emily Oster


Today marks the one year anniversary (or maybe its the birthday) of THE PLACE HOME. On May 6, 2013 I start this blog by writing the following:

Welcome to The Place Home - a blog dedicated to better understanding and appreciating the place called home. For me, the home is where life happens. It is our primary shelter, our most intimate and immediate built environment, our self expression of style, the place where we grow and change as individuals and perhaps most importantly the space we share with our family and friends. It is a tangible place with complex and intangible meaning making the relationship between the physical and the immaterial inherently linked. Or to put it more simply we shape our homes and in turn our homes shape us. 

My hope for this blog is that it presents this way of thinking while providing useful and inspirational ideas, images and stories revolving around the home. It is my intention to  provide a perspective on the home in which the functional, aesthetic and ultimately experiential aspects are not separated out but rather viewed as indivisible parts that make up a greater whole. 

The posts will vary in topic from things like "how to understand your plumbing" with helpful tips and visual aids, to featured home designs, to owners, renters, buyers and sellers dilemmas and much more. I want this blog to be as diversified as being a home inhabitant can be as after all most us are the cooks, cleaners, designers, handymans, builders, neighbors, and makers of our own homes. 

I hope you will continue to follow and enjoy The Place Home and I look forward to hearing your thoughts, stories and suggestions so please comment and email me! 

Looking back over the year, I think the blog has pretty much followed this make shift mission statement I started from. In the roughly 250 posts I have written, I have sought to be both intentional and fluid in my approach. Presenting a perspective of both a designer who consciously thinks about the multi-faceted aspects of the home and a person who believes in the value and meaning of such a powerful place. 

Next week, I will be taking a break from blogging to give myself the time to reflect back on the past year and to also think about what new intentions I have for THE PLACE HOME as it moves into its second year. I have truly enjoyed the experience thus far and want to thank everyone for their support and reading along.