cleaning with BETTER LIFE
Emily Oster
image via BETTER LIFE
I don't really like the act of cleaning. I know some people get great satisfaction from it but I much prefer to organize or even do laundry. One of the main things I dislike about it is all the chemicals that typically go along with cleaning products. I worry about Booker and what the harmful effects might be if he licks the floor right after I have washed it or why I get such a bad headache after cleaning the bathroom. And while I have been using "green" products for some time now it wasn't until I found the company BETTER LIFE that my worry subsided and I don't mind much.
BETTER LIFE is a local St. Louis company (another bonus for me) that was founded in 2007 by two Dads - Tim and Kevin. Tim is the brand man and Kevin is the chemist. All of BETTER LIFE's products are plant derived and are: GMO free, cruelty free, made in the USA, fragrance free, sulfate free and petroleum free and to top it all off they work! When we moved into our rental house I struggled for months to find a cleaner that would not leave streaks on our stainless steel appliances (confession - I even tried non-environmentally friendly cleaners) and nothing worked until I found EINSHINE. EINSHINE leaves no streaks and you don't have buff like crazy. I also really like what-EVER! their natural all purpose cleaner which I use in the kitchen and bathroom. Also they have great packaging design by Halski Studio which I always appreciate.
image via Dooby Brain with package design by Halski Studio
I haven't used all their products yet but plan on only buying their line from here on out. Also just in case anyone was wondering this is not a sponsored post just a full fan endorsement :). Check out their website for a complete list of products, to order online or to find a retailer near you.