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Filtering by Tag: storage

wood crates

Emily Oster

I am all for easy storage solutions which is why I like the idea of wood crates. Reusable, functional and timeless in their design, they can be used for all sorts of things from toys and books to pantry items. I have even seen a few crafty furniture items created from them - very Joanna Gaines.

You have to be careful that they don't be become too kitschy or country which is why I think they work best when contrasted with more modern decor. I also think you have to use good solid and well made crates - not the ones usually sold at craft stores that are flimsy and made with staples. Below are some stylish examples of wood crates put to good use. 

from top left - Hams and Bacon via Designed for Life - via Maison de Pax - via Hometalk - via BHG - wooden crates via Kaufmann Mercantile - source unknown - Cotswold Chapel Kitchen via Sustainable Kitchens -  via Apartment Therapy - via Va…

from top left - Hams and Bacon via Designed for Life - via Maison de Pax - via Hometalk - via BHG - wooden crates via Kaufmann Mercantile - source unknown - Cotswold Chapel Kitchen via Sustainable Kitchens -  via Apartment Therapy - via Vakre Hjem & Interior

Want to read more? Check out one or all of these related posts.

open metal shelving

Emily Oster

One kitchen trend I can really get behind is open metal shelving. Whether it is brass, iron, copper or chrome - I love the added interest and texture it brings to a space. Also unlike solid cabinetry, it makes a kitchen feel more open and brighter while still providing a cost effective storage solution. Below are more than a few favorite examples. 

from top left - Hawaiian vacation home designed by Michelle R. Smith via DOMAINE - retail brass shelving via source unknown - commercial brass shelving via DISC JOURNAL - 1930s French Bistro Shelving via Restoration Hardware - LA home of Gwynet…

from top left - Hawaiian vacation home designed by Michelle R. Smith via DOMAINE - retail brass shelving via source unknown - commercial brass shelving via DISC JOURNAL - 1930s French Bistro Shelving via Restoration Hardware - LA home of Gwyneth Paltrow via Popsugar - full height iron shelving via COCO COZY - home of Susan Greenleaf via Lonny - industrial kitchen design by Ingrid Oomen via Style At Home - home of Lauren Liess - 2012 Kitchen of the Year via House Beautiful - DIY copper shelving via Apartment Therapy