fireplaces part 1
Emily Oster
If you follow me on Pinterest then you might have guessed that I really enjoy fireplaces (I have a whole board dedicated to them). For me, the infatuation is founded in both the experiential and aesthetic aspects of fireplaces. In the winter, the fireplace is the focal point of a cozy evening spent at home with friends and family while in summer a fire marks the end of a long active day on the water. Aesthetically, a fireplace provides a unique opportunity to reveal the specific nature of a home. It is inherently custom, unlike many items in our homes, and easily becomes the center of any room.
Currently, I am working on two separate remodels for fireplaces that are not very good expressions of the homes they occupy. They are both large and rather generic and desperately in need of a transformation. So I thought I would share some of the inspiration images and design strategies I am thinking about using. However, I wanted to first share some of my favorite fireplaces so make sure to check back tomorrow for part 2!
1. Brazilian villa fireplace designed by Ourico Architecture via Apartment Therapy 2. Family room fireplace by Capoferro via Houzz 3. West chelsea loft design by Amy Lau Design 4. House Muller Gritsch design by AFGH via ArchDaily 5. Spanish apartment by Francesc Rife via homedit 6. Karlavagen 76 (Oscar Properties) via Husligheter