Emily Oster
We were in Chicago this past weekend and had a great time eating amazing food, enjoying the company of friends and family and just wandering around the city free of any obligations. It is always nice to get away but it can be hard to get ready for the forthcoming week with no time to catch up on things at home. So as I write this post late Sunday night -as my Monday is too busy to blog - I have to be honest in that I am lacking energy and inspiration. As such I thought I would turn to one of my favorite pick me ups....cute picture of dogs. There is nothing like an extra adorable picture/video of a puppy to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Happy Monday everyone - I hope these cuties help get your week off to a good start!

1. via Flickr 2. source unknown 3. via 9gag 4. via Elena Shumilova