artist feature: randal ford
Emily Oster
On Monday, I picked up the art we got for our wedding from the framers. There were seven pieces mostly photos by Kevin Russ, one Sharon Montrose and one Roo Kee Roo (all featured on the blog before). They all look great but it made me realize that I need to diversify my art interests beyond one - photos of animals and two - photos that all have a very muted and sort of hazy color palettes. This is not to say that I will stop loving or purchasing these types of work but I think its important to have some diversity.
I first learned about photographer Randal Ford a couple of months ago and then sort of forgot to investigate him further. Upon visiting his website, I loved the color and quirkiness of his photos. I also really liked what he writes about his own work "For me, photography is about glorifying the ordinary, giving classical ideas and values a modern aesthetic"(Randal Ford). Another pretty cool thing about Ford is that all the proceeds from the sale of his prints go to charity. Below are a few favorites.