wire fencing
Emily Oster
from top left - black post fence source unknown - garden trellis fence source unknown - home of Lauri Kanz of Edible Gardens LA via Houzz - ibid - home of Chip and Joanna Gaines via Design Mom - Long Meadow design by Stephen Stimson Associates Landscape Architect - Maple Hill design by Stephen Stimson Associates Landscape Architects - hog wire fencing via Gardenista photo by Nicole Franzen
This past weekend we visited a new friend's garden that had a fence made of recycled shipping tablets and chicken wire. It was simple, functional, beautiful and inexpensive. With this type of fence whether chicken wire or hog wire is used you can grow vining plants up it, critters are kept out and you can have an open view to your garden. Needless to say I want one - especially one that is as aesthetically pleasing as the above examples.