painted front doors — THE PLACE HOME

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painted front doors

Emily Oster

I have been thinking A LOT lately about the exterior of our home. Its probably the coming of warmer weather or the gray light of spring but my attention has really been drawn to outside projects. From thinking about our front yard to dreaming about re-painting our house, my mind is definitely on the run. This week the fixation has been on our front door. Its currently teal and I hate it. The door is in pretty rough shape - painted probably a million times - so in the long run I am not sure it will be worth saving. In the short run, however, I could definitely re-paint it and not be so diligent to strip, sand, etc. I have to work with my baby poop colored exterior for the time being as well as a red brick patio so I can't do anything too cool tone like a pure gray. I am thinking something in the blue family - no shock here. Most likely something mid-tone to dark although I do like a lighter sage color as well. Check out my inspiration images below and happy first day of spring!

from top left - via Leah Richardson - via Farrow & Ball - via London Front Door - via Houzz - via London Front Door - via The Creative Exchange - design by Leanne Thornton - home of Aerin Lauder via Quintessence -  sourc…

from top left - via Leah Richardson - via Farrow & Ball - via London Front Door - via Houzz - via London Front Door - via The Creative Exchange - design by Leanne Thornton - home of Aerin Lauder via Quintessence -  source unknown - via Faith Hope Love