affordable art prints — THE PLACE HOME

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affordable art prints

Emily Oster

Whenever I see a blogger posting their recommendations for affordable art, I immediately get excited and must stop what I am doing to click through all their links. Today, the picks list came from Joanna Goddard of Cup of Joe. In her post, she gives 24 favorite pieces across a variety of mediums. My first great discovery from Goddard's list is actually an artist I have been trying to find since seeing the below photograph probably a year ago. It was featured for a short time on Land of Nod's website and I hesitated on buying it. Of course, when I decided I did want to purchase, it was no longer available. The artist is Max Wanger and my coveted print is called Ice Cream - one of my life's greatest joys.

Ice Cream by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Ice Cream by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Wanger sells his prints through his online shop offering multiple sizes and the option to frame. His vibe is very West Coast beachy and leaves me dreaming of summer and a trip to the ocean. 

Dip by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Dip by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Wave No.2 by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Mother and Child by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

Mother and Child by Max Wanger | THE PLACE HOME

The second great find from the post is actually a group of photographers selling on Eventide Collective. Currently featuring 16 different photographers, I really love this image by Yan Palmer

Reach by Yan Palmer | THE PLACE HOME

Reach by Yan Palmer | THE PLACE HOME

I also really like this floral photo by Posey Quarterman

Blossoms by Posey Quarterman | THE PLACE HOME

Blossoms by Posey Quarterman | THE PLACE HOME

A final pick would be the work of Natalie Seeboth

Roses by Natalie Seeboth | THE PLACE HOME

Roses by Natalie Seeboth | THE PLACE HOME

Line Up by Natalie Seeboth | THE PLACE HOME

Line Up by Natalie Seeboth | THE PLACE HOME

My final discovery which is actually an artist I have seen before is Kari Herer. Using a mixed media approach, Herer's work is distinctly feminine. She has become increasingly popular with an exclusive line of prints currently being sold at RH Baby & Child. However, if you want to save some money and purchase one of her lesser known pieces you can purchase directly on her Etsy shop.

Thanks Cup of Joe!

Bear by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

Bear by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

Fox by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

Fox by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

Flora by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

Flora by Kari Herer | THE PLACE HOME

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