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Filtering by Tag: kevin russ

artist feature: kevin russ

Emily Oster

Kevin Russ -  Street Walker

Kevin Russ -  Street Walker

I stumbled upon the work of photographer, Kevin Russ while browsing the artist vendor website Society 6.  I was captivated by the serene and mystical quality of his photographs as well as his content matter - the American landscape and its wildlife. I knew really nothing about him prior to this post but was quite surprised to find out he does all of his shooting on his iphone. In an interview with Carson Daly, he explained that this happened rather accidentally as the iphone prints basically just ended up selling better than his SLR prints. Since beginning shooting with his iphone, Russ has taken to being a sort of nomad. Living mainly out of his car for the past year, the iphone and its editing capabilities allows him to always be traveling and taking pictures rather than stuck behind a computer processing. Here are a few of my favorites:

Kevin Russ - Montrose Posers

Kevin Russ - Montrose Posers

Kevin Russ -  Geyser Steamway

Kevin Russ -  Geyser Steamway

Kevin Russ - Car Horses

Kevin Russ - Car Horses