resource review: food blogs — THE PLACE HOME

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resource review: food blogs

Emily Oster

One of the things that I haven't really blogged about yet is food and cooking. I am a little hesitant to dive into this category as it seems there are so many amazing blogs out there with dedicated content and beautiful pictures to match. However, food - shopping, growing, cooking and making it - is a huge part of our home life and to not incorporate it into the blog just doesn't seem right. So one of my new intentions for THE PLACE HOME is to start sharing how I approach the very important activity of eating. To start, I thought I would share some of my go to food blogs. As a general rule, I try to plan out our dinners at the beginning of the week and only go grocery shopping once. I turn to food blogs and cookbooks for inspiration and if we are being honest - I really go by the pictures. If it doesn't look delicious or doesn't have a beautiful photo I generally won't make it. 


The food blog that I have followed the longest is Smitten Kitchen. Written by Deb Perelman, the blog has beautiful pictures, easy to follow instructions and some really yummy recipes. In addition, it has a companion cookbook which I also really like. The short list of favorite recipes include: the perfect blueberry muffins, sweet potato and sausage soup, chard and white bean stew and pear bread.


Pinch of Yum is a relatively new find that since discovering I cook from almost every week. The blog is very approachable and I like how she organizes the recipes - by meal but then into smaller categories such as "Quick and Easy" or "Healthy". So far my favorites are: healthy jalapeno sweet potato chicken chili (making this tonight),  30 minute squash coconut curry and chopped apple quinoa salad


Not Without Salt is my newest find. It is extra beautiful which makes me a little intimated. However, the one recipe I have tried - chanterelle chowder with bacon and corn - was really delicious. My next recipes to try are: white bean burgers with rosemary and sun dried tomatoes, brussel sprout salad with red onion and pecorino and baked oatmeal with roasted pears. 

Happy eating!