darker trim — THE PLACE HOME

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darker trim

Emily Oster

I am not one for fancy paint treatments but I do like a trim/molding that is painted a shade or two darker than the walls. It adds a layer of detail that can be just the right touch for a simple, elegant room. I particularly like it in a bedroom or in an understated dining room. Have a good Monday everyone!

from top left - kitchen design source unknown - nursery by Amy Meier Design and Abby Cahill O'Brien via Country Living - den design via Elle Decor - photo by Germain Suignard via Adorable Home - kitchen design source unknown - bathroo…

from top left - kitchen design source unknown - nursery by Amy Meier Design and Abby Cahill O'Brien via Country Living - den design via Elle Decor - photo by Germain Suignard via Adorable Home - kitchen design source unknown - bathroom by Laura Stern Design - bedroom design source unknown