beds in front of windows — THE PLACE HOME

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beds in front of windows

Emily Oster

Tomorrow is the big day - the move! The truck is scheduled to arrive at 8am and whether we are ready or not the process will begin. The previous homeowner had very little furniture and used the space differently than we plan to so I am pretty excited to see furniture in the space. One of things I am most looking forward to seeing is how our bed fits in our new master bedroom. My plan is to put the bed in front of a window although its going to be a tight fit as the room is long and narrow. Once I confirm that the layout works, I really want to get a new bed frame and have been looking at the below images to get different ideas about what type of bed looks best in front of a window. Have a good weekend everyone!

from top left - via Lonny - design by LeSueur Interiors - design by Vanessa de Vargas via Lonny - design by Ashley Whittaker - via House Beautiful - via Amber Interiors - via House Beautiful

from top left - via Lonny - design by LeSueur Interiors - design by Vanessa de Vargas via Lonny - design by Ashley Whittaker - via House Beautiful - via Amber Interiors - via House Beautiful