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Filtering by Tag: blogs

urban exodus

Emily Oster

Christmas week is upon us! Its been a little hard to get into the spirit of things between busy schedules and travel but this past weekend we were able to take some time at home and enjoy some festive activities - Christmas movies, holiday parties, hot chocolate and cookies. This morning, I woke up feeling ready for vacation and excited for things to move at a slower pace - even if its just for a week. So while this post isn't holiday themed, it does honor this time of year by recognizing people who have taken a step back from the normal chaos of life and are choosing to live more simply. 

I just recently read about Urban Exodus in the current issue of Modern Farmer. Created by Alissa Hessler when she moved from Seattle, Washington to Camden, Maine, the site celebrates and shares the stories of young urbanites choosing to leave "the concrete jungle for greener pastures" (Urban Exodus). Seeking to represent a realistic picture of both the struggles and rewards of living a country life, the site interviews people all over the country who have made the switch. 

Each story follows a similar format of questioning with pictures of the interviewees spaces to go along with it. I have only read a few of the pieces top to bottom but I like the repeating question format which gives an understanding of what makes all the stories similar yet different. 

The site also includes stories of "Urban Havens" - urbanites who bring the best of the country to them. So many great stories to read so head on over to the site now. 

searching for gardening blogs

Emily Oster

The thing that perhaps intrigues me the most about gardening is its limitless potential for learning. With each plant, season, space and combination of the three comes new discoveries. I love the idea of being a constant student and gathering bits of knowledge with each growing season. However, this fluctuating and unending nature of learning can also be paralyzing in knowing how, when or where to start. And being that I am a researcher, I am always looking for resources to aid me along the way. I have a few books that I have started to reference and I am constantly asking advice from more experienced gardeners but what I would really love to find is a go to gardening blog or blogs to provide daily or weekly bits of information.

My ideal gardening blog would be visually appealing - I need those pretty pictures to inspire me, concise - too much info all at once overwhelms me, include content on edible gardening as well as growing flowers, promote/follow sustainable practices and if I am really dreaming be located in a similar growing climate as St. Louis - no avocados or citrus in my garden. I have just started my search but one gardening blog I plan on adding to my blogroll is Garden Betty.

Started in September 2010, Garden Betty is the blog of Linda Ly. She blogs about growing and making food, creating her cookbook, raising backyard chickens, her off the grid home in Mexico and other outdoor adventures. What attracted me most to Garden Betty was not only its visual appeal but its organization - helpful headings and an easy to use archive. I also am pretty interested in getting her cookbook, The CSA Cookbook, which focuses on using the often discarded parts of plants and vegetables.

Any readers have some good gardening blogs to follow?

Have a good Monday everyone!

McGrath II

Emily Oster

McGrath II is my newest design resource find. Voted as one of the best design blogs of 2015 by Domino Magazine, McGrath II is run by mother daughter duo Suzanne and Lauren. The two, which also operate their own interiors business and have written a book, blog about all things design related and seem to have a format that is somewhat similar to THE PLACE HOME.

*from the design portfolio of McGrath II

All the posts are archived into easily navigable sections such as Artist Spotlight, Decorating, and Styling and include such posts as The Best Light Blue Paint Colors, Arne Jacobsen , Back to Back Sofas, 6 Tips to Enhance An Entryway and so much more. 

Another cool feature of their blog is their resource section where they present a curated list of their favorite stores. There is honestly so much to check out with this blog that I feel like I could spend an inordinate amount of time on their site. And perhaps the best thing about McGrath II, is how easy and pleasant it is to use - well designed, interesting content and good taste. So check it out!