This is my leading inspiration image as its the closest to what we actually have/will have in the room - chair rail, base, crown and a vertically paneled fireplace wall (I wish our fireplace opening was going to look like this!). I would describe the color as a beige with some gray and green in it. Our floors are mid tone like the ones in the image (not the amazing wide plank though) and the color seems to nicely bridge between warm and cool tones.
When starting to thinking about paint colors for any space, I generally turn to Farrow & Ball first. Their more limited color palette is spot on and provides for a jumping off point if nothing else. For our living room, I was initially interested in Hardwick White, French Gray, Lamp Room Gray, Purbeck Stone and Pavilion Gray. When looking at paint colors, I always look for install images to see how the color seems to play out. With beiges and grays, its important to try to gather what the light is like when looking at reference images as these colors can change dramatically depending on their environment. From some image sourcing, I ruled out French Gray for being too green, Lamp Room Gray for being too blue and Pavilion Gray for being too cool in tone.